Are You Experiencing Excessive Gas and Bloating? Gas is a normal part of digestion, but how much you have depends on many variables, including your diet, when and how fast you eat, and the efficiency of your digestive system. “It’s normal to pass gas,” says Lena Palmer, MD, gastroenterologist, assistant professor in the department of medicine, and medical director of nutritional services at Loyola University Chicago. “The average person passes gas 10 times a day, but it’s still considered normal to pass gas up to 20 times per day.” Dr. Palmer adds that 15 to 30 percent of healthy people also experience bloating from time to time. But gas affects people differently. Those who are more sensitive could find even a small amount of gas uncomfortable. Relieving Bloating: Get Moving After You Eat One way to ease bloating discomfort is to get moving. Although you might feel like taking a nap after a big meal, walk for 10 to 15 minutes instead. Walking, jogging, calisthenics, and other types of exercise can help stimulate the passage of gas through your digestive tract. A 2008 German study published in the Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases examined the effects of drinking either an espresso or a flavored liqueur or walking at a leisurely pace on a treadmill after eating a large meal. Although the beverages had no effect on digestion, the study found that walking helped move food through the stomach much more quickly. When the stomach empties faster, gas is able to move more quickly into your small intestine and cause less distress. Resist the Urge to Lie Down Although many people who are experiencing gas or bloating feel better when they go horizontal, it’s actually better to stay upright. “Simply lying down often provides relief from bloating,” Palmer says. “But the thing about gas and bloating is that when you lie down, gas is less likely to be able to pass out of the body. You might feel better, but you’re actually trapping more gas.” A 2003 study published in the journal Gut involving eight healthy people found that being upright was much more effective in reducing intestinal gas retention than lying down on the back. The researchers concluded that body posture has a big influence on the movement of gas through the digestive system. They added that gas moves faster when people are standing up than when they’re lying down. Exercise for Gas Relief Gas and bloating can also be related to your level of activity and the strength of your abdominal wall, Palmer says. “Weakness in the stomach muscles is a factor for bloating.” People who have a separation in their abdominal muscles, known as diastasis recti, or those who are recovering from abdominal surgery may have a harder time moving gas through their digestive system, Palmer says. “Stomach muscles help move gas through the intestines,” she adds. “Exercise to strengthen the stomach muscles or walking to help move gas through could help.” In addition to strengthening your abdominal wall, research shows that general exercise can help provide relief from gas and bloating. A 2006 study on bloating published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology found that physical activity helped participants move gas and ease their symptoms. The researchers noted that anyone trying to ease gas and bloating should learn about the benefits of regular exercise. They also found that for gas relief, people should limit the amount of time they spend lying back in a recumbent or horizontal position. Yoga to Aid Digestion and Reduce Gas Some people are more sensitive to intestinal stretching from gas than others. Stress can increase this sensitivity and even stimulate colon spasms in people with irritable bowel syndrome, a chronic condition that causes abdominal fullness, gas, and bloating. Relaxation therapies, such as meditation, can help reduce stress. In addition to regular exercise and walking, research suggests that yoga may also help minimize stress. A 2006 study published in the journal Pain Research & Management looked at 25 teens with gastrointestinal distress and found that a one-hour instructional yoga session followed by four weeks of home practice with a video reduced their symptoms and pain. The researchers noted that participants experienced this benefit with just 10 minutes of yoga daily over the course of the study. Don’t Ignore Warning Signs Gas typically gets worse throughout the day, but you should feel better when you wake up in the morning, Palmer says. “The normal pattern of gas is that it feels better overnight since it tends to be relieved as you sleep,” she says. If your digestive discomfort doesn’t follow a usual pattern or your symptoms don’t come in waves (meaning they’re constant or present most of the time), see your doctor. You should also talk to your doctor if your symptoms occur more than three times a week or if your symptoms are new. It’s also time to see your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:
Stomach or pelvic painA change in urinary habits or bowel movements, such as going to the bathroom more often or less frequentlyFatigueUnexpected weight loss
Gas is a common nuisance, but there are ways to beat the bloating once you’re sure that’s all it is. Stay active and keep stress at bay to have less gas and help prevent discomfort.